5 good reasons to use VR in museums and heritage sites

If you are wondering how and why to bring the VR into your museum or your heritage site, here are 5 good reasons to get started !

1 – Engage your visitors and conquer new audiences

To propose a new digital mediation device, an innovative device that is to retain your existing audiences by offering them a new, original and innovative offer. But it is also, attracting new audiences, often younger and more connected, in search of extraordinary experiences.

2 – Explore new modes of mediation

And what if your audiences could do with the VR, all they ever dreamed to do  (or what you dreamed them to do) in a museum ? Interact directly with collections, manipulate works and objects, meet artists in the intimacy of their workshop …. In a VR environment, everything is possible !

3 – Show your collections in a different way and show new places

With the VR technology, you can also propose to your visitors visits of new places, inaccessible in normal times like reserves or places inaccessible to the general public because they are dangerous, difficult to access or too fragile to regularly welcome a human population.

4 – Make your museum known worldwide and make it accessible worldwide, develop your mission of distributing collections internationally

Break down borders and make your heritage and collections available to the world ! New VR cinemas open every day worldwide, the number of helmet users is becoming more and more important, the places of diffusion more and more numerous, with the VR, it is the world that is offers to you !

An immersive VR experience will never replace the in-situ visiting experience, but it will allow you to make it better known, to arouse the curiosity of potential audiences and of course, it will participate fully in your mission of disseminating the collections !

5 – Developing your business model

Creating a VR app can also help you open up new sources of funding for your institution. Several strategies exists, for example, specialized diffusion platforms such as Viveport or in VR cinemas.



Want to dive in the fascinating world of VR ? Do not hesitate to consult our article about the different steps of creating a VR device by clicking HERE and of course, do not hesitate to contact us directly ! contact@artofcorner.fr