From VR mediation to VR documentary & new narratives

This week the documentary, VR documentary  and other hybrid and interactive narratives experiences were in the honor on Sunny side of the Doc, in a dedicated space : PiXii. A space we invested the all week 🙂 

VR documentary and new forms of narrations

The VR documentary is part of the large family of new narrations forms, just like our VR app Utrillo Valadon. It’s all about these stories, which are written for interactive and immersive devices. Whether they have similarities with cinema, documentary or with interactive and immersive mediation devices in a museum, these experiences have in common the search for new forms of writing.  How to tell things in a different way, to immerse the public in the history, to make him actor and narrator of his own narrative … The VR documentary is an approach quite complementary to ours. That’s why we had to be there !


From mediation scenario to VR documentary

Developing an immersive mediation device requires creating a real scenario. It is necessary to relate this heritage that is highlighted to make the experience stronger, more sensitive and realistic. It is not just a matter of going around the room and handling a few objects because you can go so much further.

Imagine, the workshop Utrillo, central place of the experience around which gravitate universes, fantastic or realistic, intimist or not. Imagine that you can push a door and meet him or visit the workshop while you are told his story .. imagine that you could  see him paint, follow him in places he likes, meet his mother, Suzanne Valadon painting at the turn of a garden … Imagine their paintings could take you to the real places of their inspiration … imagine a hybrid, immersive, interactive but highly sensitive and creative experience to live and discover another approach of Art. But this all work requires an important documentary research. From the mediation scenario to the VR documentary, there is only one step … do you follow us?


What is the VR doing to the new narratives ?

In a nutshell, here’s what VR can brings :

  • The possibility for the public to live the history and not seeing it through a screen.
  • Leave the choice to the public to experience the story as it feels. The public chooses to look where they want and interact when they want. That changes everything. Every experience is different for him and for others.
  • The possibility of interacting with history. Some devices tell a story with which it is possible to interact. The principle is certainly not new, but the way in which it can interact is. Again, it changes everything.


To go further :






Illustration : Freepik